
In this carrd you'll find a complete reading guide for each Arrowfam member, covering not only their comic appearances in the mainstream DC timeline but also their apperances in elseworlds stories, TV shows, movies, and video games!

art by Sean Izaakse, for the cover of Green Arrow (2023)

❝He can't kill me... without killing us,
Because green arrow isn't one man.
We're a family, we're a forest, we're a quiver

What's this page for?

In this page you'll find a brief detailing on some important concepts that are constantly used through the whole carrd and are essential keys for a better understanding of the content covered here.

index & recommended reading

Index: Individual reading guides for each Arrowfam member and brief introductions to them.Recommended reading: A more general Arrowfam recommended reading section.

core, extended and elseworlds Arrowfamily

Core Arrowfamily: Characters that are the "main" members of the Arrowfam in the comics.Extended Arrowfamily: Characters that are often associated to be a part of the Arrowfam by fans and are usually recurring secondary characters who have ties to the main charactes of the Arrowfam, although not being officially considered to be a part of the main members.Elseworlds Arrowfamily: Characters that are members of the Arrowfamily from alternate Earths from across the vast DC multiverse.Other Supporting Cast: Secondary characters that were important parts of Green Arrow's supporting cast at different points in the past but were featured exclusively in Green Arrow's ongoings and aren't really recurring characters.

canon, other media
and non-canon

Each character can have up to three different sections with specific guides to browse, they are:Canon: Covers the appearances in the mainstream DC timeline.
  » I tried my best to make the reading guides easy to follow, but since some titles get released simultaneously there might be some recommendations that takes place before or during the previous title, so keep that in mind.
  » Storylines/Events told across multiple books are grouped as if they were a separate title. A "Crossover Storyline" observation between parentheses is used to indicate whenever that's the case.
  » DON’T PANIC! Some reading guides might look a bit more intimidating than others, but that’s only because separating the events as its own thing and trying to keep a cohesive reading of the character constantly bouncing between books might make it look more extensive than it actually is sometimes. Not to mention some of these characters have 80+ years of stories!
Other Media: Covers their appearances outside of comics, including: TV shows, movies and videogames.
  » "⤷ + title grey text" in this section indicates appearances in tie-in materials of the project mentioned previously.
  » To keep the watching more cohesive, projects that take place in the same universe are listed next to each other even if they were released months/years apart and other projects came out in the meantime.
Non-canon/Alternate Continuity: Covers the alternate iterations of the character, including: elseworlds stories, possible futures and alternate Earths

Earth 2, Pre-New 52, New 52,
Rebirth and Infinite Frontier

The reading guides are separated into a few sections/categories. These categories serve the purpose of distinguishing every time the timeline is drastically altered; they are: "Earth Two", "Pre-New 52", "New 52", "Rebirth" and "Infinite Frontier" If you're unfamiliar with these terms, here's a quick résumé on each of them:Earth Two (1941 - 1986): Some characters (specifically Oliver and Roy) debuted during the golden age of DC comics. The Earth-Two concept was created to explain differences between the original Golden Age and then-current Silver Age versions of characters. In order to allow a new generation of characters to shine and grow while also preserving all Golden Age stories, they opted to establish that those Golden Age stories were set in a parallel Earth, Earth Two.Pre-Flashpoint (1958 - 2011): Stories set in Earth One/New Earth, includes appearances in all DC eras following the Golden Age and preceding the Flashpoint reboot (the Silver Age, the Bronze Age, the Post Crisis, and the Modern Age). Depending on how long the character's been around, you might also see some subdivisions based on important events that affected the DCU — pre-crisis (1958 - 1986), early post-crisis (1986 - '90s), modern post-crisis (late 90's - 2005) and post-infinite crisis (2006 - 2011).New 52 (2011 - 2016): In an attempt to attract new readers and make the timeline less confusing, DC completely rebooted their continuity with the Flashpoint reboot, erasing everything that had happened previously and starting a new timeline from scratch. Long-time relationships and connections were lost, origins were altered, legacy characters were erased, and all super-heroes were set back to the early days of their careers (also covers the "DCYOU" relaunch).Rebirth (2016 - 2021): DC realized how much they had messed up with the N52 initiative so they decided to (soft) reboot the timeline to try to fix that, Rebirth restored most characters to their Pre-N52 DNA roots while keeping some New 52 stories/events canon (also covers the "DC Universe" relaunch).Infinite Frontier (2021 - present): The DC era we're currently in, after the conclusion of the events of the Death Metal saga, now ALL stories from the previous eras are now considered canon again! (Also covers the "Dawn of DCU" relaunch)

Essential reading
& optional reading

Some characters have appeared in an overwhelming amount of books since their debuts, so, to keep the reading guide easier to follow, I've separed their appearances in two categories:Essential Reading: Includes important appearances, usually where the character is featured as the (or one of the) main characters in the title.Optional Reading: Additional reading, mostly secondary appearances or self-contained stories wherein the character is featured as a main character or a secondary character, cool if you want to read but not necessary.

a few additional notes

• The reading guides are frequently updated with their most recent major appearances, small cameos and the like will very likely not be included here.
• Characters that are a part of the Arrowfamily/Team Arrow exclusively on the CW show "Arrow" will NOT be included here. I might look into it later but that's not my priority for now and it never was.

If you still have any other questions that weren't answered here please make sure to reach me out! I'll be glad to help! Also, if you've found anything that needs fixing while browsing on the carrd or got any suggestions please let me know! :)

Comic Recommendations

In this section you'll find my personal Arrowfam comics recommendations, these comics were selected by me and this section is supposed to guide you if you're looking for good places to start reading more Arrowfam comics!

Green Lantern (1960)

Issues: #76 - #123

This run features Green Arrow and Green Lantern teaming up and going on a road trip across the USA, fighting social injustice and discrimination.

Green Arrow (2001)

Issues: #1 - #75

This run focuses on Oliver coming back to life after his death in "Green Arrow (1988): #101" and it's the best place to start if you have zero or little knowledge about Green Arrow and his supporting cast, this run is teeming with amazing Arrowfam moments worth reading.

Black Canary (2007)

Issues: #1 - #4

This mini series focuses primarily on Dinah and Sin's relationship after Dinah left the Birds of Prey to go live with her.

GA/BC Wedding Special


This one-shot special features Green Arrow and Black Canary's wedding and act as a prelude to their ongoing series.

Green Arrow/Black Canary

Issues: #1 - #16

This series takes place a few months after the Wedding Special and follows up on the cliffhanger that was left in the last page of the one-shot.

Green Arrow: Rebirth


This special one-shot edition serves as a prelude to the Green Arrow ongoing run in the Rebirth era.

Green Arrow (2016)

Issues: #1 - #38, Annual #1

This is a nice to start if you're looking for the most modern comic recommendation, it's a fresh start to the Green Arrow mythos and his supporting cast after the N52 reboot. After issue #38 the team disbanded and only Ollie and Dinah stay as main characters.

Green Arrow 80th Anniversary


This one-shot anniversary special celebrates the 80 year anniversary of our beloved Emerald Archer! Widely beloved and considered a love letter dedicated to all Green Arrow/Arrowfamily fans out there!

Green Arrow (2023)

Issues: #1 - 12

Following the events of "Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths", Oliver has been lost and his family is determined to find him, but there are dangerous forces just as determined to keep them apart at any cost.

Birds of Prey (2023)

Issues: #1 - 6

Taking place after the first six issues of the Green Arrow run, the series follows Black Canary as she re-forms the Birds of Prey in the search for Sin Lance — her daugther, who's beig held prisoner in Themyscira.

Other Recommendations

Elseworlds comics and other media
recommendations that feature the Arrowfamily.

Convergence: Green Arrow

Issues: #1 - 2

This convergence event tie-in brings Oliver and Connor together right out of the 90s stories before they even officially met each other!

Young Justice (TV Show)

Season 1 - Season 4

The Young Justice animated series had Artemis Crock, who in this version was made Green Arrow's sidekick, as a main character. Other Arrowfamily members also appear intermittently throughout the show.

Young Justice: Targets

Issues #1 - 6

The six-issue mini-series takes place after the events of the season 4 finale of Young Justice. The Arrowfamily are main characters in this series.


Season 1 - Season 8

The TV series follows Oliver Queen's years as the Emerald Archer, it has its own spin on the Green Arrow mythology and his supporting cast.

Core Arrowfamily

This section includes characters that are considered the "main" members of the Arrowfamily

Oliver "Ollie" Jonas Queen
Green Arrow

After being stranded for months on a remote island, rich socialite Oliver Queen fought to survive and returned to his home in Star City. There he leaves his fortune behind and acts as a modern-day Robin Hood, a leftist hero devoted to protecting the less fortunate.

Dinah Laurel Lance
Black Canary II

The daughter of the original Black Canary, Dinah is one of the world's most skilled martial artists, made even more dangerous with the use of her powerful sonic scream, known as the Canary Cry. A hero through-and-through, she's an integral part of both the Justice League and the Birds Of Prey.

Roy William Harper, Jr.
Speedy/Arsenal/Red Arrow

Taken in by Oliver after being orphaned and raised for years on a Navajo reservation, Roy was Green Arrow's first sidekick, going by the alias "Speedy". A founding member of the Teen Titans, he eventually left G.A.'s side, soon becoming "Arsenal", and later "Red Arrow" during his tenure as a hero.

Lian "shoes" Harper
Cheshire Cat

Lian Harper is the daughter of Roy Harper and Jade Nguyen/Cheshire, a motivating force in both her parents lives, she was eventually lost in a tragedy, and until recently remained gone after the New 52 reboot. She is currently being reworked entirely, living in Gotham and going by "Shoes".

Connor Hawke
Green Arrow II

Connor is the son of Oliver Queen and Sandra "Moonday" Hawke. Raised not knowing his father, he lived and trained in a monastery from age 13 to 18. After his father's sudden death, he became the second Green Arrow, continuing the legacy, and becoming known as one of the best martial artists in the DCU.

Mia Dearden
Speedy II

Mia, a teenage runaway taken in by Oliver, is the second character to take the mantle of "Speedy". One of the few HIV-positive characters in comics, and a natural at archery, she's motivated to help people any way she can, leading her to take up the fight by Green Arrow's side.

Emiko "Emi" Queen
Red Arrow II

The daughter of Shado and Robert Queen, Emiko is the half-sister of Oliver. Kidnapped at a young age and trained by Komodo, she starts rejecting his teachings after finding out he lied to her, and teams up with Oliver to defeat him. Becoming his apprentice, she later takes up the Red Arrow mantle.

Red Canary

Sienna, who now carries on the Black Canary legacy as Red Canary, fights with a pair of high-tech escrima sticks and, despite her inexperience as a superhero, has proven to be a reasonably skilled fighter trained in the Jiu-Jitsu and Kali martial arts.

Extended Arrowfam

This section includes characters that are often considered to be Arrowfam by fans, but not officially considered a part of the core group.

Harold "Hal" Jordan
Green Lantern

Test-pilot Hal Jordan was chosen to be the Green Lantern of Sector 2814 inheriting the ring of the dying alien Green Lantern, Abin Sur. Hal is a member and occasionally leader of the Green Lantern Corps, as well as a founding member of the Justice League.


Shado is a trained Bushido and Kyūdō master and lethal with a bow. Though originally an ally, and mother to Oliver's second biological son, post-N52 she is instead a more ambiguous figure, and the mother to his half-sister, Emiko Queen.

Edward "Eddie" Fyers

Enemy turned ally, ex-C.I.A. mecenary Eddie commonly acts in his own self interest, but comes through for Team Arrow when it matters. In an effort to keep a promise made to Oliver before his untimely demise, Eddie becomes something of a father figure to Connor, keeping him safe at all costs.

Jade Nguyen

Cheshire is one of the deadliest assassins in the DCU. She is an expert in both martial arts and the use of poisons. Mother to Lian Harper, she puts her above all else, and, in doing so, remains a constant in Roy's life.

Cynthia "Sin" Lance

Sin Lance is the adoptive daughter of Dinah Lance. She grew up in the same village that raised Lady Shiva and was originally chosen and trained to be the next Lady Shiva in case something happened to her.

Suzanne "Cissie" King-Jones

Cissie is a very skilled archer and a key member of Young Justice. Cissie was forced into vigilante work by her stage mom, the original Arrowette, in an attempt to live vicariously through her daughter. After a tragic event in her life, Cissie abandoned her costumed identity, only operating as Arrowette when absolutely necessary.

Elseworlds Arrowfam

This section includes characters that are members of the Arrowfamily from alternate Earths from across the vast DC multiverse!

Olivia "Livy" Queen
Black Canary III

Olivia Queen is the daughter of Oliver and Dinah Queen on Earth-22, most commonly referred to as the Kingdom Come universe.

Artemis Crock
Artemis/Tigress II

Artemis Crock is the daughter of the super villain couple Tigress and Sportsmaster, in the Young Justice animated series she's portrayed as a heroic archer, occasionally Green Arrow's sidekick, and the sister of Cheshire.

Connor Lance-Queen
Green Canary

Connor Lance-Queen is the son of Dinah Lance and Oliver Queen in the Injustice universe (Earth 49). He possesses his mother's sonic cry, though lacks control at his young age.

Laurel Lance-Queen
Black Arrow

Laurel Lance-Queen is the daughter of Green Arrow and Black Canary from Earth-11.

Other supporting cast

This section includes characters that were important parts of Green Arrow's supporting cast at different point in the past, but were featured exclusively in Green Arrow's ongoings

Character Entries

A Google Drive folder which includes character profile references from DC's Secret Files & Encyclopedia books!

Reading Guide

Oliver Queen/Green Arrow

“Who's left to believe in?
No one but Green Arrow

This reading guide page is currently under updates (Earth Two and Pre-Flashpoint reading guides are incomplete, please come back later!)

Earth Two

More Fun Comics: #73-107
Leading Comics: #1-14
World's Finest (1941): #7-92
Adventure Comics (1938): #103-245
Crisis on Infinite Earths: #12


World's Finest (1941): #93-134, #136, #138, #140-141, #143, #145
Adventure Comics (1938): #246-269
Action Comics (1938): #314, #350
The Brave and the Bold: #50, #71, #85, #100, #106, #113-114, #129 #130, #136, #144, #168, #174, #185
Action Comics (1938): #421, #424, #426, #428, #431, #434, #436, #437, #440-441, #443-446, #449-452, #455-458
Hard Travelling Heroes (Arc): Green Lantern (1960): #76-89; The Flash (1959): #217-219; Green Lantern (1960): #90-100, #102-124
Detective Comics (1937): #466, #468, #521-525, #527-567
Green Arrow (1983): #1-4
Batman/Green Arrow: The Poison Tomorrow
Green Arrow: The Wonder Year: #1-4
Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters: #1-3
Action Comics (1938): #609, #612
Green Arrow (1988): #1-90, Annuals #1-7
The Brave and the Bold (1991): #1-6
Zero Hour: Crisis in Time: #4-1, #0
Green Arrow (1988): #0, 91-101
Green Arrow (2001): #1-75
Identity Crisis: #1-7
Green Lantern Rebirth: #1-6
Batman and the Outsiders (2007): #4-8, #11-12
DCU: Decisions: #1-4
Road to the Altar (Story Arc): Black Canary (2007): #2-4; Justice League of America Wedding Special; Black Canary Wedding Planner; Green Arrow and Black Canary Wedding Special
Green Arrow/Black Canary: #1-30
Justice League Cry for Justice: #1-7
Justice League: Rise and Fall
Green Arrow/Black Canary: #31-32
Green Arrow (2010): #1-15
Green Arrow: Year One: #1-6

New 52

Green Arrow (2011): #1-12, #0, #13
Hawkman: Wanted (Crossover Storyline): Green Arrow (2011): #14 / Savage Hawkman: #14
Green Arrow (2011): #15-46
Justice League (2011): #8, #13
Justice League of America (2013): #1-5
Trinity War (Crossover Storyline): Justice League (2011): #22 / Justice League of America (2013): #6 / Justice League Dark (2011): #22 / Justice League of America (2013): #7 / Justice League Dark (2011): #23 / Justice League (2011): #23
Justice League of America (2013): #14
Justice League United (2014): #0, #1-5, Annual #1, #6-10
Green Arrow (2011): #17-40
DC Preview: Green Arrow
Green Arrow (2011): #40-47, Annual #1, #48-52


Grifter (2011): #4
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011): #20, Annual #1, #35-37
DC Universe vs. The Masters of the Universe: #4
Secret Origins (2014): #4 ("Green Arrow")


DCU: Rebirth ("Love")
Green Arrow: Rebirth
Green Arrow (2016): #1-31
Dark Nights Metal (Crossover Storyline): Teen Titans (2016): #12 / Nightwing (2016): #29 / Suicide Squad (2016): #26 / Green Arrow (2016): #32
Green Arrow (2016): #33-34, Annual #1, #35-40
Justice League: No Justice: #2-4
Green Arrow (2016): Annual #2, #41-50
DC's Year of the Villain Special ("Leviathan")
Event Leviathan: #1-6
Leviathan Dawn
Dark Nights: Death Metal The Last Stories of the DC Universe ("Dust of a Distant Storm")


Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: #9-10, #15-17, #21-22
DC Rebirth Holiday Special ("You Better Think Twice")
Cursed Comics Cavalcade: #1 ("The Monster in Me")
Damage (2018): #10-11
The Green Lantern: #8
Batman: Universe: #1-2
DC's Crimes of Passion ("The Crimson Bomber")
Batman (2018) Secret Files: #3

Infinite Frontier

Infinite Frontier: #0
Aquaman/Green Arrow: Deep Target: #1-7
Justice League (2018): #59-63
Checkmate (2021): #1-6
Justice League (2018): #64-71, Annual 2022
Justice League Vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes: #1-6
Justice League (2018): #72-75
Dark Crisis (Crossover Storyline): Dark Crisis: #1 / Dark Crisis: Worlds Without a Justice League - Green Arrow / Dark Crisis: #5-6
Green Arrow (2023): #1-12
Green Arrow (2023): #13, #14, #15


Let Them Live!: Unpublished Tales from the DC Vault: #5
The Flash (2016): #768-771, Annual 2021
Infinite Frontier Secret Files: #2
Stargirl Spring Break Special
Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular
Deathstroke Inc.: #11-12
DC's Saved by the Belle Reve ("Earn it Back")
Batman (2016): #128
Nubia & the Justice League
Batman/Superman's World's Finest: #16
Titans: Beast World Tour: Star City ("Like father....like son")

Other Media

Oliver Queen/Green Arrow

“Come on. I don't belong up here —
fighting aliens and monsters and super villains.
I just help the little guy.”


Super Friends: S1: EP14
  Super Friends (1976): #3, #8-9
  Super Powers Collection: #16, #21, #23
  Super Powers (1985): #1-2, #6
Justice League Unlimited: S1: EP1, EP6 / S2: EP1, EP6, EP10, EP12 / S3: EP4, EP7, EP10
  Justice League Unlimited: #6, #17, #21, #30-31, #35
The Batman (2004): S5: EP3, EP12-EP13
Batman: The Brave and the Bold: S1: EP1, EP5, EP7, EP13, EP20, EP24-25 / S2: EP1, EP4, EP6, EP9, EP20 / S3: EP4, EP9
  Batman: The Brave and The Bold: #3, #10-11, #13
  All-New Batman: The Brave and The Bold: #10
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths
DC Showcase: Green Arrow
Young Justice: S1: EP1, EP6, EP21-EP23 / S2: EP4, EP8 / S3: EP1
  Young Justice (2011): #8, #11, #13, #16-17
  Young Justice: Targets: #1-6
DC Nation Shorts: Green Arrow: S1: EP1-EP3
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2
Lego DC Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League
Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts
Batman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem
Batman Unlimited: Mechs vs. Mutants
Batman Unlimited: S1: EP1, EP19
Justice League Action (shorts): S1: EP17
Justice League Action (series): S1: EP3-EP4, EP24, EP31, EP36, EP41, EP46, EP52
DC Super Hero Girls (shorts): S1: EP30, EP34
DC Super Hero Girls (series): S1: EP15, EP20-EP21, EP29, EP31-EP32 / S2: EP6, EP24
Teen Titans Go! & DC Super Heroes Girls: Mayhem in the Multiverse
Teen Titans Go! To Camp!: #10
Green Lantern: Beware My Power
Batman and Superman: Battle of Super Sons
Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham
Batwheels: S1: EP23
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earth's Part One

Live action

Smallville: S6: EP2-EP5, EP7, EP10-EP11 / S7: EP11 / S8: EP1, EP3, EP5, EP7-EP8, EP10, EP12, EP14, EP17, EP20-EP22 / S9: EP1, EP3-EP7, EP9-EP12, EP14-EP16, EP19-EP21 / S10: EP1-EP5, EP7, EP9-EP15, EP19-EP21
  The Oliver Queen Chronicles: S1: EP1-EP6
  Smallville: Season 11: #1, #3, #5, #7, #9, #11-12, #16-18, #20-24, #29, #31, #33-34, #38-40
  Smallville: Lantern: #1-6, #8-12
  Smallvile: Chaos: #2, #12
  Smallvile: Continuity: #1-12
Arrow: S1-S8
  Arrow: Special
  Arrow: #1-4, #6-13, #15-17, #19-25, #27-31, #33-36
  Arrow 2.5: #1-3, #5-10, #13-24
  The Flash: Season Zero: #16
  The Flash: S1: EP1, EP8, EP22
  Legends of Tomorrow: S1: EP1, EP6 / S2: EP1
  Vixen: S1: EP1, EP3-EP6 / S2: EP6
  Freedom Fighters: The Ray: S2: EP1-EP2
  Earth-Prime: #6

Video Games

Justice League Task Force
Justice League Heroes
Justice League Heroes: The Flash
Batman: The Brave and the Bold – The Videogame
DC Universe Online
Injustice: Gods Among Us
Injustice 2
Infinite Crisis
Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
Lego DC Super-Villains
Lego Dimensions
DC Legends
Justice League Action Run
Fortnite: Battle Royale
DC Worlds Collide

Alternate Continuity

Oliver Queen/Green Arrow

“I'm the Green Arrow. I have no cosmic power.
No fancy ring. No alien heritage.
Only an eye for the moment.”


Justice: #1-12
Injustice: Year Zero: #1, #11-14; Year One: #2, #5, #15-16, #18 , #23-25, #28, #31-33; Year Two: #1
Scooby-Doo! Team-Up: #49-50
DCeased: #1-6
DCeased: Dead Planet: #1-2, #4, #7
Bombshells: #11, #35-37
Gotham City Garage: #19-20
Wildstorm: Michael Cray: #1-2
DC House of Horror: #1 ("Stray Arrow")
Dark Nights: Death Metal The Multiverse Who Laughs ("Hard Traveled")
Batman: Wayne Family Adventures: #6, #48
Dark Knights of Steel: #1-2
DC vs. Vampires: #1-5
Green Arrow: Stranded

Possible Futures

Green Arrow: Futures End
The New 52: Futures End #1-2, #18, #21, #27, #30-31
DC Nuclear Winter Special ("The Birds of Christmas Past, Present and Future")
Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular ("The Last Green Arrow Story")

Reading Guide

Dinah Drake/Black Canary

“Dad always called me a little bird...
So that's the kind of name I'll take--
the Black Canary!.”


Flash Comics: #86-88, #90-104
All-Star Comics (1940) #38-57
Justice League of America (1960): #21-22, #29-30 #46-47, #64-65, #73-74
DC Special Series: #10
Adventure Comics (1938): #466
Justice League of America (1960): #219-220


Comic Cavalcade: #25
The Brave and the Bold (1955): #61-62
DC Special (1968): #3
Adventure Comics (1938): #399


EARLY POST-CRISIS ('80s - '90s)
Green Arrow (1988): Annual #2
Secret Origins (1986): #50
Justice Society of America (1991): #2-3, #6-8
Starman (1994): Annual #2, #37
MODERN POST-CRISIS (Late '90s - '00s)
JLA: Year One #1, #4, #11-12
JLA Incarnations: #1
Birds of Prey (1999): #66, #79, #100
Green Arrow and Black Canary: #20-22
Birds of Prey (2010): #9, #14-15


EARLY POST-CRISIS ('80s - '90s)
Green Lantern Corps Quarterly: #3 ("Friends")
Batman: Shadow of the Bat: #36
DCU Holiday Bash: #2
MODERN POST-CRISIS (Late '90s - '00s)
Robin 80-Page Giant
DC Universe Legacies: #4
Justice Society of America (2007): #50

Infinite Frontier

DC's Terrors Through Time ("The Midnight Hour")

Reading Guide

Dinah Lance/Black Canary

“Okay. Let them hear
the black damn canary.”


Justice League of America (1960): #75, #77-84, #88-89, #91, #94-95, #97-100, #102, #104-107, #109-110, #112, #114, #117-121, #123-124, #127-130, #132, #139-143, #145-148, #150-151, #153-157, #159-161, #164-165, #168, #177-182, #186, #188-191, #194-197, #200-201, #204-205, #210-216, Annual #1, #218
Hard Travelling Heroes (Crossover Storyline): Green Lantern (1960): #78-79, #81-84, #86-87 / The Flash (1959): #217-219 / Green Lantern (1960): #93-110, #113-117, #119-122
Action Comics (1938): #421, #426, #428, #434, #436, #440-441, #443-446, #450-452, #456-458
World's Finest (1941): #244-256, #259, #261-262, #265-267, #274-275, #277-278, #282-283
Justice League of America (1960): #219-220, #224-231, Annual #2
Detective Comics (1937): #549-554
Crisis on Infinite Earths (Crossover Storyline): Green Lantern (1960): #194 / Justice League of America (1960): Annual #3


The Brave and the Bold (1955): #91, #100, #141, #166
The Flash (1959): #204
Superman (1939): #236
Adventure Comics (1938): #418-419
Wonder Woman (1942): #216, #291-293, #308-310
The Joker (1975): #4, #10
Detective Comics (1937): #464, #468
Secret Society of Super-Villains: #6
DC Special Series: #10 ("The Canary is a Bird of Prey")
DC Comics Presents (1978): #30, #54
Green Lantern (1960): #190


EARLY POST-CRISIS ('80s - '90s):
Detective Comics (1937): #559-567
Legends: #4-6
Justice League (1987): #1-6, Annual #1
Justice League International: #7-13, #19
Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters: #1-3
Green Arrow (1988): #1-3, #5, #7, Annual #1
Action Comics (1938): #609-616, #624-635
Green Arrow (1988): #9-10, #13-17, #19-21, Annual #2, #25, #27-29, Annual #3, #31-39
Secret Origins (1986): #50 ("Unfinished Business")
Green Arrow (1988): #44-45, Annual #4, #49-53
Black Canary (1991): #1-4
Green Arrow (1988): #57, #59-64, #67-71
Black Canary (1993): #1-12
Green Arrow (1988): #73-75, #77, #79, #81, #101

Assembling the Birds of Prey (Storyline): Birds of Prey: Black Canary/Oracle / Showcase '96: #3 / Birds of Prey: Manhunt: #1-4 / Birds of Prey: Revolution / Birds of Prey: Wolves / Birds of Prey: Batgirl
Birds of Prey (1999): #1-19
The Hunt for Oracle (Crossover Storyline): Nightwing (1996): #45 / Birds of Prey (1999): #20 / Nightwing (1996): #46 / Birds of Prey (1999): #21
Birds of Prey (1999): 22-26, #28-35
Joker's Last Laugh (Crossover Storyline): Joker: Last Laugh: #1-2 / Birds of Prey (1999): #36 / Joker: Last Laugh: #4-6
Birds of Prey (1999): #37-38
Bruce Wayne Murderer? (Crossover Storyline): Birds of Prey (1999): #39 / Robin (1993): #99 / Birds of Prey (1999): #40
Birds of Prey (1999): #41, #43-55
JSA (1999): Secret Files and Origins #1 / JSA (1999): #1-4, #6-14, Annual #1, #15-22 / JSA Secret Files and Origins #2 / JSA Our Worlds At War / JSA (1999): #31-32
Green Arrow (2001): #1, #4-6, #8-9, #12-15, #17, #21, #25
Birds of Prey Secret Files and Origins 2003
Birds of Prey (1999): #56-80
Identity Crisis: #1-4, #6-7
JLA (1996): #115-125
Green Arrow (2001): #29, #34, #40
Birds of Prey (1999): #81-91

Birds of Prey (1999): #92-100
Justice League of America (2006): #1-7
Lightning Saga (Crossover Storyline): Justice League of America (2006): #8-9 / Justice Society of America (2006): #6 / Justice League of America (2006): #10
Justice League of America (2006): #12
Green Arrow (2001): #73-75
Birds of Prey (1999): #108-109
Black Canary (2007): #1-4
Road to the Altar (Crossover Storyline): Black Canary Wedding Planner / Justice League Wedding Special / Justice League of America (2006): #13-16 / Green Arrow/Black Canary Wedding Special
Green Arrow/Black Canary: #1-14
Birds of Prey (1999): #119-120, #124-127
Justice League of America (2006): #22-26
Final Crisis (Crossover Storyline): Final Crisis: Requiem / Final Crisis: #3-4, #6-7
Justice League of America (2006): #27-32
Green Arrow/Black Canary: #15-30
Justice League: Cry for Justice: #1, #5-7
Rise and Fall (Crossover Storyline): Titans (2008): #21 / Justice League of America (2006): #42-43 / Justice League: Rise and Fall Special / Green Arrow/Black Canary: #31-32 / Justice League: The Rise of Arsenal: #1-3
Birds of Prey (2010): #1-15


EARLY POST-CRISIS ('80s - '90s):
Justice League of America (1960): #250
Firestorm (1982): #64, Annual #5
Booster Gold (1986): #22, #25
Millennium: #1, #3, #5, #7-8
The Weird: #1-4
Suicide Squad (1987): #13
Captain Atom (1986): #16-17
Secret Origins (1986): #32, #46
Wonder Woman (1987): #25
The Brave and the Bold (1991): #1
Eclipso: The Darkness Within (Crossover Storyline): Green Arrow (1988): Annual #5 / Adventures of Superman (1987): Annual #4 / Eclipso: The Darkness Within: #2
Batman/Green Arrow: The Poison Tomorrow
Justice League Europe: #47-50
Justice League America: #72, #75, #92, Annual #9
Justice League Task Force: #10-12
The Ray (1994): #6-12, #25
Batman: Shadow of the Bat: #36
Extreme Justice: #10-11

The Final Night: #2-3
Green Arrow (1988): #115-117
Brotherhood of the Fist (Crossover Storyline): Detective Comics (1937): #723 / Robin (1993): #55 / Nightwing (1996): #23 / Green Arrow (1988): #135
Arsenal: #1-4
JLA: Year One: #1-12
JLA 80-Page Giant: #1
JLA Showcase 80-Page Giant ("Left for Pixie Dust")
Martian Manhunter (1998): #18-19
Young Justice Sins of Youth (Crossover Storyline): Young Justice: Sins of Youth: #1 / Young Justice: Sins of Youth Secret Files and Origins #1 / Sins of Youth: Starwoman and the JSA, Jr. / Young Justice: Sins of Youth: #2
Hourman: #16, #18-19
Silver Age: Silver Age / Silver Age Secret Files and Origins / Silver Age: The Brave and the Bold / Silver Age 80-Page Giant
Robin 80-Page Giant
Wonder Woman (1987): #168
Nightwing (1996): #56-58
JLA Incarnations: #1-4
DC First: Batgirl/Joker
The Power Company: #6
Batman: Family: #3, #8
JLA/JSA: Virtue and Vice
Birds of Prey: Catwoman/Oracle
Batgirl: Year One: #6-7
JSA (1999): #49-51, #54
Avengers/JLA: #2-4
JLA: Liberty and Justice
Justice League Elite: #6
JLA: #112-114
Superman: Sacrifice (Crossover Storyline): Superman (1987): #219 / Action Comics (1938): #829 / Adventures of Superman (1987): #642
Batgirl (2000): #67
Supergirl (2005): #4-5

Rush City: #2-3
Blue Beetle (2006): #7
52: #27
Amazons Attack (Crossover Storyline): Wonder Woman (2006): #9 / Amazons Attack: #2 / Wonder Woman (2006): #10-11
JLA Classified: #43, #51, #53-54
Tangent: Superman's Reign: #3-5, #7-8, #10-12
DCU: Decisions: #2-3
Vixen: Return of the Lion: #1-5
Wonder Woman (2006): #27-28, #34-35
Titans (2008): #10
Justice League of America 80-Page Giant
Justice Society of America (2007): #39
Shield: #2

Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell
Convergence: Nightwing/Oracle: #2
Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular ("Punching Evil" + "...just the usual sort of stuff" + "The Arrow and the Song")

New 52

Birds of Prey (2011): #1-12
Team 7: #0, #1-8
Birds of Prey (2011): #0, #13-34
Batgirl (2011): Annual #2, #32-40
DC Sneak Peek: Black Canary
Black Canary (2015): #1-7
Batgirl (2011): #45, #48-52
Black Canary (2015): #8-12


Batgirl (2011): #7-8
Throne of Atlantis (Crossover Storyline): Justice League (2011): #16 / Aquaman (2011): #16 / Justice League (2011): #17-18
Batman: The Dark Knight (2011): #25
Secret Origins (2014): #11 ("Code Black")
Gotham Academy: #17 ( "This One's for You")


DCU: Rebirth ("Love")
Green Arrow: Rebirth
Green Arrow (2016): #1-5, #8-17, #19-20, #22-31, #33-34, Annual #1, #35-38
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: #1-22
Justice League of America: Rebirth
Justice League of America (2017): #1-13, #17-19, Annual #1, #20-29
Green Arrow (2016): Annual #2, #43-50
Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey: #1-4
Birds of Prey (2020)
Dark Nights: Death Metal The Last Stories of the DC Universe ("Dust of a Distant Storm")


DC Rebirth Holiday Special ("A Very Harley Holiday")
DC Holiday Special 2017 ("You Better Think Twice!")
JLA/Doom Patrol Special
Doom Patrol/JLA Special
Justice League (2016): #39-40
Catwoman/Tweety & Sylvester Special
Cursed Comics Cavalcade ("The Monster in Me")
DC's Crimes of Passion ("The Crimson Bomber")
Birds of Prey: Sirens of Justice: #1
Batgirl (2016): #50

Infinite Frontier

Infinite Frontier: #0
Justice League (2018): #59-71
Batman: Urban Legends: #6 ("Solo")
Deathstroke Inc.: #1-6
Shadow War (Crossover Storyline): Shadow War Zone ("Old Friends") / Shadow War Omega
Justice League (2018): Annual 2022
Justice League Vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes: #1-6
Justice League (2018): #72-75
Dark Crisis (Crossover Storyline): Dark Crisis: #1 / Dark Crisis: Worlds Without a Justice League - Green Arrow / Dark Crisis: #5-6 / Dark Crisis: War Zone ("Birds of a Feather") / Dark Crisis: #7
Green Arrow (2023): #1-6
Birds of Prey (2023): #1-7
Green Arrow (2023): #12
Green Arrow (2023): #TBA
Birds of Prey (2023): #8, #9


Let Them Live!: Unpublished Tales from the DC Vault: #5
Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular
Batman (2016): #128
Nubia & the Justice League
DC's Grifter Got Run Over by a Reindeer ("Not-So-Silent Night")
Batman: Knightwatch: #4
DC's Harley Quinn Romances ("Splendor in the Foam")
WildC.A.T.s (2022): #10-12
Knight Terrors: Batman: #2 ("Don't Miss!")
G'nort's Illustrated Swimsuit Edition ("Baewatch")
Batman/Santa Claus: Silent Knight #2-4
Titans: Beast World Tour: Star City ("Birds of a Feather")

Other Media

Dinah Lance/Black Canary

“You happy punching the bag or you
wanna go a few rounds with me?


Super Friends (1976): #8
Justice League Unlimited: S2: EP1, EP6 / S3: EP9
  Adventures in the DC Universe: #9
  Justice League Unlimited: #9, #15, #20-21, #23, #31
Batman: The Brave and the Bold: S1: EP16, EP25 / S2: EP5, EP24
  Batman: The Brave and the Bold: #10
  All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold: #1, #7
Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths
DC Showcase: Green Arrow
Young Justice: S1: EP5, EP15, EP17, EP21-EP22, EP25-EP26 / S2: EP4, EP11, EP19-EP20 / S3: EP1 / S4: EP1, EP13, EP20, EP23, EP26
  Young Justice: Targets: #1-2, #4-6
DC Nation Shorts: Green Arrow: S1: EP1-EP2
DC Super Hero Girls: Hits and Myths

live action

Legends of the Super Heroes: S1: EP1-EP2
Birds of Prey (2002): S1: EP1-EP12
Smallville: S7: EP11 / S8: EP1, EP22 / S9: EP21 / S10: EP11-EP12
  Smallvile: Season 11: #54
  Smallville: Continuity: #4-7
Arrow: S1: EP1-EP23 / S2: EP1-EP5, EP7, EP9-EP14, EP16-EP23 / S3: EP1-EP6, EP8-EP23 / S4: EP1-EP19 / S5: EP1, EP8-EP10, EP22-EP23/ S6: EP1, EP4, EP7, EP9-EP10, EP12-EP15, EP17-EP21, EP23 / S7: EP1-EP2, EP4-EP6, EP8, EP11-EP12, EP14-EP15, EP17-EP18, EP22 / S8: EP1-EP2, EP4-EP10
  Arrow: #14, #18, #26, #36
  Arrow 2.5: #2, #5, #8, #20-24
  The Flash: S1: EP19 / S2: EP22
  Legends of Tomorrow: S1: EP1 / S2: EP17
  Vixen: S2: EP1-EP5
Birds of Prey: and the Fabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn

video games

Justice League Heroes
Justice League Heroes: The Flash
Batman: The Brave and The Bold - The Videogame
DC Universe: Online
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
LEGO DC Super-Villains
Young Justice: Legacy
DC Legends
Injustice 2
DC Worlds Collide

Alternate Continuity

Dinah Lance/Black Canary

“We are not fragile. We will tear you down."


Thrillkiller '62
JSA: The Liberty File: #1
The Nail: Justice League: The Nail: #1-3 / Justice League: Another Nail: #1-3
Superman/Batman: #60-61
Elseworlds 80-Page Giant ("The Vigilantes in Apartment 3-B")
JLA: Created Equal: #1-2
JLA: Riddle of the Beast
Justice: #4-5, #7-12
All Star Batman and Robin, the Boy Wonder: #3, #6-7, #10
Adventures in the DC Universe: #9
Just Imagine: Just Imagine: Catwoman / Tales from Earth-6: A Celebration of Stan Lee ("The Cats and the Canary")
Justice League: The New Frontier Special ("The Mother of the Movement")
Injustice: Year Zero: #11-14 / Year One: #18, Annual #1, #23-25, #28, #31-34 / Year Two: #1, #4, #6, #10, #12-14, Annual #1, #15-16, #21-24 / Injustice 2: #2, #4-6, #10, #13-15, #17-19, #21, #35-36, #44-45, #47-49, #51-52, #68, #71
Convergence: Green Arrow: #1-2
Gotham City Garage: #19-20, #23-24
Black Canary: Ignite
Bombshells United: #11, #26-27, #29-32, #36-37
DCeased: DCeased: #1-6 / DCeased: Hope at World's End: #1-2, #7, #9-10, #12, #14-15 / DCeased: Dead Planet: #1-2, #4, #6-7 / DCeased: War of the Undead Gods: #1, #3-5
Black Siren (Earth 3): Suicide Squad (2021): #5-6, Annual 2021, #7-12 / War for Earth-3: #1 / Suicide Squad (2021): #13 / War for Earth-3: #2
DC vs. Vampires: #3, #7-12
Dark Knights of Steel: #1, #8-9
Red Hood: Outlaws: #37, #40
Batman: Wayne Family Adventures: #88

possible futures

Birds of Prey: Futures End
DC Nuclear Winter Special ("The Birds of Christmas Past, Present and Future")

Reading Guide

Roy Harper/Arsenal

“I asked if that's the hardest you can hit...
Because I didn't feel a thing.”

Earth Two

More Fun Comics: #73-107
Leading Comics: #1-14
World's Finest (1941): #7-94
Adventure Comics (1938): #103-249


Justice League of America (1960): #100-102
Adventure Comics (1938): #438-439, #443
All-Star Squadron: #29, #31, #56
Convergence: World's Finest Comics: #1
Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular ("The Disappearing Bandit?")


PRE-CRISIS (1958 - 1986):
Adventure Comics (1938): #250-269
World's Finest (1941): #95-134, #136, #138, #140, #143, #145, #154, #205
Teen Titans (1966): #4, #11, #19-43
Green Lantern (1960): #85-86
Action Comics (1938): #436
Green Lantern (1960): #100
Teen Titans (1966): #44-53
World's Finest (1941): #251
The Brave and the Bold (1955): #149
The Best of DC: #18 ("Reunion!")
New Teen Titans (1980): #27, #29-32
New Teen Titans Drug Awareness Special
EARLY POST-CRISIS ('80s - '90s):
New Teen Titans (1984): #19-21, #24
Action Comics (1938): #613-618, #627-634, #636-640
The New Titans (1988): #56, #60-66, #68-69, #71
Deathstroke: The Terminator: #18-20
The New Titans (1988): #97-108, #110-112, Annual #9
The New Titans (1988): #114 / Damage (1994): #6
Green Arrow (1988): #75
The New Titans (1988): #0, #115
Green Lantern vs. The New Titans (Crossover Storyline): Green Lantern (1990): #57 / The New Titans (1988): #116
The New Titans (1988): #117-121
The Crimelord-Syndicate War (Crossover Storyline): Darkstars: #31 / Deathstroke (1991): #48 / The New Titans (1988): #122 / Darkstars: #32 / Deathstroke (1991): #49
The New Titans (1988): Annual #11, #123
The Siege of the Zi Charam (Crossover Storyline): The New Titans (1988): #124 / Green Lantern (1990): #65 / Darkstars: #34 / Damage (1994): #16 / The New Titans (1988): #125
New Teen Titans (1988): #126-130
Green Arrow (1988): #97-99, #101
Arsenal Special
Batman Plus Arsenal
Teen Titans (1996): #12-18
Millenium Giants (Crossover Storyline): Superman (1987): #134 / Teen Titans (1996): #19 / Adventures of Superman (1987): #557 / Action Comics (1938): #744 / Superman: The Man of Steel: #79 / Superman (1987): #135
Teen Titans (1996): #20
Arsenal: #1-4
JLA/Titans: #1-3
Titans (1999): #1, Secret Files and Origins #1, #2-6, #8-18, Annual #1, #19-20, Secret Files and Origins #2, #21-28, #30-35, #37-50
Green Arrow (2001): #1, #5-6, #8-9, #16-21
Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day: #1-3
Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files and Origins 2003 ("A Day After" + "Who Was Donna Troy?")
Outsiders (2003): #1-8, #11-23
Green Arrow (2001): #32-33, #47-50
The Insiders (Crossover Storyline): Teen Titans (2003): #24 / Outsiders (2003): #24 / Teen Titans (2003): #25 / Outsiders (2003): #25
DC Special: Return of Donna Troy: #2-4
Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files and Origins 2005 ("Teen Titans Hunt")
Outsiders (2003): #26-33, #43-46, Annual #1
Justice League of America (2007): #1-7
Lightning Saga (Crossover Storyline): Justice League of America (2006): #8-9 / Justice Society of America (2006): #6 / Justice League of America (2006): #10
Justice League of America (2007): #11-12
Road to the Altar (Crossover Storyline): Green Arrow (2001): #75 / Justice League of America Wedding Special / Green Arrow and Black Canary Wedding Special
Justice League of America (2007): #13-19, #21-28, #30-31
Titans (2008): #1-11
Deathtrap (Crossover Storyline): Titans (2008): #12 / Vigilante (2009): #5 / Teen Titans (2003): #70 / Titans (2008): #13 / Vigilante (2009): #6
Titans (2008): #14, #16-19
Justice League: Cry for Justice: #5
Titans (2008): #21, #23
Justice League: Rise of Arsenal: #1-4
Titans (2008): #26-36, Annual #1, #37-28
Convergence: Titans: #1-2


» Early '60s/Late '70s (1960 - 1979):
The Brave and the Bold (1955): #50, #83, #102
Detective Comics (1937): #402
Superman Family: #192-194
» '80s (1980 - 1989):
Suicide Squad (1987): #11-12
» '90s (1990 - 1999):
Secret Origins (1986): #38, Annual #3, #50
Hawk and Dove (1989): #11-12
Bloodbath: #1-2
Showcase '94: #7 ("Weapons")
Green Lantern (1990): #59
Deathstroke the Hunted: #45
Outsiders (1993): #17
Damage (1994): #13
Showcase '95: #8 ("Lian's Present")
DC One Million (Crossover Storyline): DC One Million: #1-2 / Superman: The Man of Steel: #1000000 / Superman (1987): #1000000 / DC One Million: #3
JLA: Year One: #11-12
Aquaman (1994): #60
» '00s (2000 - 2011):
Titans/Legion of Super-Heroes: Universe Ablaze: #1-4
Guide to the DC Universe Secret Files and Origins 2000 ("Here and Now" / "Teenage Super-Hero Dating Secrets")
Young Justice: Sins of Youth (Crossover Storyline):
Young Justice: Sins of Youth: #1 / Young Justice: Sins of Youth Secret Files and Origins #1
Silver Age: Teen Titans
Green Lantern (1990): #128
Superboy (1994): #80-82
Solo: #7 ("Doom Patrol vs. Teen Titans")
Nightwing (1996): #114, #124
Infinite Crisis Special: Villains United
Amazons Attack: #2, #4
Booster Gold (2007): #1
Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Cyborg Superman
Green Arrow and Black Canary: #4
The Flash (1987): #233, #239, #245-247
Justice League of America 80-Page Giant ("When Justice Came to Town")
Teen Titans Lost Annual
Teen Titans: Year One: #2-3, #5
DCU: Decisions: #2
Vixen: Return of the Lion: #2-5
DC Universe Holiday Special ("Party Animal")
Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular ("Green-Man and Autumn-Son")

New 52

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011): #1-14
Death of the Family (Crossover Storyline): Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011): #15 / Teen Titans (2011): #15 / Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011): #16 / Teen Titans (2011): #16
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011): #17-20, Annual #1, #21-24, #26-37, Annual #2, #38-40
DC Sneak Peek: Red Hood/Arsenal: #1
Red Hood/Arsenal: #1-13
Titans Hunt: #1-8


DC Universe Presents: #17
Green Arrow (2011): #0, #25, #39-40
Action Comics (2011): Annual #3, #34


Titans Rebirth
Titans (2016): #1-10, Annual #1
The Lazarus Contract (Crossover Storyline): Titans (2016): #11 / Teen Titans (2016): #8 / Deathstroke (2016): #19 / Teen Titans: The Lazarus Contract Special
Green Arrow (2016): #18-20, #22-24, Annual #1
Titans (2016): #12-22, Annual #2
Green Arrow (2016): #43
Heroes in Crisis: #1, #3, #6, #8
Green Arrow (2016): #45, #48-49
Dark Nights: Death Metal The Last Stories of the DC Universe ("Together")
Dark Nights: Death Metal The Last 52: War of the Multiverses ("Fight!")


DC Rebirth Holiday Special
Nightwing (2016): #43
Red Hood and The Outlaws (2016): #24-25, Annual #2, #27, #31, #47-49

Infinite Frontier

Infinite Frontier: #0, #1-6
Teen Titans Academy: #1, #8-15
Green Arrow (2023): #1-6, #8-12
Green Arrow (2023): #TBA


Infinite Frontier Secret Files: #2
The Flash (2016): 2021 Annual, #781, #786
Stargirl Spring Break Special
Robin & Batman: #2
DC's Saved by the Belle Reve ("Earn it Back")
Batman/Superman: World's Finest: #7-9
World's Finest: Teen Titans: #1-6
Knight Terrors: Batman #2
WildC.A.T.s (2022): #10-12
DC's Spring Breakout! ("Relay for Your Life")

Other Media

Roy Harper/Arsenal

“I'm done letting Green Arrow and the League tell
me what to do. I don't need a babysitter or a
clubhouse to hang out with the other kids.


The Adventures of Aquaman S1: EP4-EP6
Teen Titans: S2: EP9 / S3: EP12-EP13 / S5: EP4
  Teen Titans Go! (2003): #14, #20-21, #30, #33-34, #36, #39, #50
Justice League Unlimited: S3: EP7
  Justice League Unlimited: #30
Batman: The Brave and the Bold: S1: EP7 / S2: EP6
  All-New Batman: The Brave and The Bold: #13
Young Justice: S1: EP1, EP3, EP6, EP10, EP18, EP23-EP26 / S2: EP4, EP6, EP8, EP12, EP15, EP17 / S3: EP1, EP4, EP9-EP10, EP15, EP25 / S4: EP5, EP8
  Young Justice: Targets #1-2, #5-6
Teen Titans Go!: S1: EP5 / S4: EP49 / S5: EP46
  Teen Titans Go! (2013): #30, #43, #45, 48
  Teen Titans Go! To the Camp: #1, #3, #5-11, #13, #16
  Teen Titans Go! Undead
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract

Live action

Arrow: S1: EP15, EP17-EP18, EP20, EP22-EP23 / S2: EP1-EP4, EP6-EP12, EP14-EP15, EP17-EP23 / S3: EP1-EP13, EP15-EP19, EP22 / S4: EP12 / S6: EP15-EP16 / S7: EP1-EP2, EP4, EP6, EP12-EP13, EP16, EP20-EP22 / S8: EP5, EP7, EP10
  Arrow: #33
  Arrow: Blood Rush S1: EP1-EP6
  Arrow: Season 2.5: #1-3, #5, #8-10, #13-16

Video Games

Teen Titans: The Videogame
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
LEGO DC Super-Villains
Teeny Titans: Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans GO! Figure
DC Legends

Alternate Continuity

Roy Harper/Arsenal

“You. Are going to put me down?
Not on your best day.”


The New Titans (1988): Annual #10
Kingdom Come: #2-3
Thrillkiller '62
Teen Titans Go! (2003): #48
Tiny Titans: #1-9, #12-14, #16-19 #25-26, #35, #40-41, #43, #48, #50
Tiny Titans: Return to the Treeehouse: #5
DC Bombshells: #46, #49-50, #53-54
Flash Forward: #3
DCeased: Dead Planet: #2
DC Vs. Vampires: #3, #11
Batman: Wayne Family Adventures: #108

Alternate Timelines

Flashpoint: Green Arrow

Possible Futures

The New 52: Futures End: #2, #11
Red Hood and the Outlaws: Futures End

Reading Guide

Lian Harper/Cheshire Cat

"Know this...You're always going to be
too late, too slow, and two steps short."


EARLY POST-CRISIS ('80s - '90s):
New Teen Titans (1984): #21
Action Comics (1938): #615, #618, #627-631, #634, #636-637, #639
Secret Origins (1986): #38
Green Arrow (1988): #75
Batman Plus Arsenal
Teen Titans (1996): #20
Arsenal: #1-4
Titans (1999): #1 / Secret Files and Origins #1 / #5-7, #9-10, #13, #17-19, #21-27, #30-32, #34-35, #37, #39
Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files and Origins 2003 ("Who Was Donna Troy?")
Outsiders (2003): #11, #17-19
DC Special: The Return of Donna Troy: #2
Justice League of America (2006): #1, #12, #17
Green Arrow/Black Canary: #25 ("Bedtime Stories")
Titans (2008): #19
Justice League: Cry for Justice: #7
Rise and Fall (Crossover Storyline): Titans (2008): #23 / Justice League: Rise and Fall Special / Justice League: The Rise of Arsenal: #1-4
Convergence: Titans: #1-2


EARLY POST-CRISIS ('80s - '90s):
Showcase '95: #8 ("Lian's Present")
The New Titans (1988): #126
Aquaman (1994): #60
Superboy (1994): #82
Outsiders (2003): #45
The Flash (1987): #246
Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular ("Green-Man and Autumn-Son")

Infinite Frontier

Catwoman (2018): #25-28, #30-32
DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration ("Masks")
Catwoman (2018): #35-38, #50
Detective Comics (2016): #1069-1070, #1077-1079
Green Arrow (2023): #1-6, #12
Green Arrow (2023): #TBA

Other Media

Lian Harper/Cheshire Cat

“Mommy mouse. Look what
I made! A mommy mask!!


Young Justice: S2: EP4, EP6, EP8, EP16 / S3: EP4, EP10, EP14-EP17, EP25 / S4: EP5, EP8
  Young Justice: Targets: #4-6

Alternate Continuity

Lian Harper/Cheshire Cat

"Whatever. Let's just do this
and get out of here."


Titans (1999): #23-25
Batman: Wayne Family Adventures: #108

Possible Futures

Future State: Catwoman: #1-2

Reading Guide

Connor Hawke/
Green Arrow II

"A Green Arrow wannabe? How cute, do you want
to be Oliver Queen when you grow up?"
“No, I want to be better.”


90's (1994 - 1999):
Green Arrow (1998): #0, #91-109
Hard Traveling Heroes (Crossover Storyline): Green Lantern (1990): #76 / Green Arrow (1988): #110 / Green Lantern (1990): #77 / Green Arrow (1988): #111
Green Arrow (1998): #112-124
JLA (1996): #5, #8-9, Annual #1, #10-15
Hate Crimes (Crossover Storyline): Green Arrow (1988): #125 / Green Lantern: (1990) #92/ Green Arrow (1988): #126
Green Arrow (1998): #127-129
Three of a Kind (Crossover Storyline): Green Lantern (1990): #96 / Green Arrow (1988): #130 / The Flash (1987): #135
Green Arrow (1998): #131-133
Brotherhood of the Fist (Crossover Storyline): Green Arrow (1998): #134 / Detective Comics (1937): #723 / Robin (1993): #55 / Nightwing (1996): #23 / Green Arrow (1998): #135
Greener Pastures (Crossover Storyline): Green Arrow (1988): #136 / Green Lantern (1990): #104
Green Arrow (1998): #137, #1000000
Arsenal: #2-3
EARLY '00s (2000 - 2005):
Green Arrow (2001): #1, #8-11, #13-15 / Secret Files and Origins #1 / #21
Black Circle: Urban Knights (Crossover Storyline): Green Lantern (1990): #162 / Green Arrow (2001): #24-25 / Green Lantern (1990): #164
Green Arrow (2001): #27-32, #34-50, #52, #56-59
Green Arrow (2001): #66-68
Connor Hawke: Dragon’s Blood: #1-6
Green Arrow (2001): #73-75
Green Arrow/Black Canary Wedding Special
Green Arrow & Black Canary: #1-5, #11-15, #30-31


90's (1994 - 1999):
Showcase ‘95: #4 ("Power Lunch")
Robin (1993): #25
Showcase '96: #5 ("Fathers and Other Strangers")
Batman Chronicles: #7 ("Double Play")
DCEU Holiday Bash: #2 ("The Present")
Adventure Comics 80-Page Giant ("The Long Shot")
Green Lantern (1990): #110, #117
EARLY '00s (2000 - 2005):
Robin (1993): #78-79
Superman & Bugs Bunny: #3-4
Birds of Prey (1998): #43-46, #85
Batgirl (2000): #30-32
Outsiders (2003): #6
Richard Dragon: #8-12
Green Lantern (2005): #7-8
Convergence: Green Arrow: #1-2
Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular ("One")

infinite frontier

Detective Comics (2016): #1034
Robin (2021): #1-8, Annual #1, #9-12
DC Pride 2022 ("Think of Me")
Robin (2021): #15-17
Green Arrow (2023): #1-12
Green Arrow (2023): #TBA


DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration ("Hawke & Kong")
DC Pride 2023 ("Hey, Stranger")
Titans: Beast World Tour: Star City ("Like Father....Like Son")

Other Media

Connor Hawke/
Green Arrow II

“How can you save a city that
doesn't want to be saved?”

live action

DC's Legends of Tomorrow: S1: EP5-EP6
Arrow: S7: EP12-EP16, EP19, EP22 / S8: EP1-EP4, EP6-EP7, EP9

Alternate Continuity

Connor Hawke/
Green Arrow II

“Remember, we're here to save
these guys! Try not to kill them!”


Adventures in the DC Universe: #13, #16
Earth 2: #14-17, #19-24
The Multiversity: The Just

possible futures

The New 52: Futures End: #18, #21, #27, #30

Reading Guide

Mia Dearden/Speedy II

“I want to fight by your side,
please just let me do it at your side.”


EARLY '00s (2001 - 2005):
Green Arrow (2001): #2-6, #8-11, #13-15, #22, #27, #29-35, #37-46
Teen Titans (2003): #21-23
The Insiders (Crossover Storyline): Teen Titans (2003): #24-25 / Outsiders (2003): #25
Teen Titans (2003): #30-31
Green Arrow (2001): #47-50
Infinite Crisis (Crossover Storyline): Robin (1993): #146-147 / Teen Titans (2003): #32, Annual #1
Green Arrow (2001): #52, #55-59
Green Arrow (2001): #64-75
Black Canary (2007): #2-4
Green Arrow and Black Canary Wedding Special
Green Arrow and Black Canary: #1-15, #24-30
Justice League: Cry for Justice: #7
Green Arrow and Black Canary: #31-32
Justice League: The Rise of Arsenal: #2


EARLY '00s (2001 - 2005):
Green Lantern: Rebirth: #1
Titans (2008): #19
Teen Titans (2003): #99-100
Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular ("Star City Star")

New 52

Green Arrow (2011): #35-40

Infinite Frontier

Green Arrow (2023): #10-12» UPCOMING APPEARANCES:
Green Arrow (2023): #TBA

Other Media

Mia Dearden/Speedy II

“Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell all my friends
I used to train with the Emerald Archer.”

live action

Smallville: S9: EP6, EP10
  Smallvile: Season 11: #54
  Smallville: Titans: #1-4
  Smallville: Continuity: #4-6

Reading Guide

Emiko Queen/Red Arrow II

“Try to objectify me and you'll bleed.
Because I'm a weapon

New 52

Green Arrow (2011): #18-20, #22-23, #28-34, #39-43, Annual #1, #49-52


Green Arrow (2016): #1-7, #15-17, #22-31, #33-34, Annual #1, #35-38
Teen Titans (2016): #13-14, Special #1, #20-26, Annual #1, #27
The Terminus Agenda (Crossover Storyline): Teen Titans (2016): #28 / Deathstroke (2016): #42 / Teen Titans (2016): #29 / Deathstroke (2016): #43 / Teen Titans (2016): #30 / Deathstroke (2016): #44, #46-47
Teen Titans (2016): #31-44, Annual #2, #45-47
Teen Titans: Endless Winter Special


DC Love Is a Battlefield ("A Tale of Two Teen Titans")

Infinite Frontier

Teen Titans Academy: #1, #3, #8
War for Earth-3 (Crossover Storyline): Teen Titans Academy: #13 / War for Earth-3: #2
Teen Titans Academy: #14-15
Stargirl Spring Break Special
Stargirl: The Lost Children: #1-6
Green Arrow (2023): #10-12
Green Arrow (2023): #TBA


Let Them Live!: Unpublished Tales from the DC Vault: #6
DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration ("Kawaii Kalamity!")
Crush & Lobo: #1
Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular ("The Sympathy of the Woods")
Are You Afraid of Darkseid?
The Flash (2016): #786
Titans: Beast World Tour: Star City ("The Jungle Society of America")

Other Media

Emiko Queen/Red Arrow II

“People say that revenge corrupts the soul, that if you go down that path you'll never come back. But sometimes embracing the darkness is the only way to get justice.”


Arrow: S7: EP1, EP4, EP6, EP8, EP10-EP12, EP14-EP15, EP17, EP19-EP22 / S8: EP10

Alternate Continuity

Emiko Queen/Red Arrow II

“Get the hell out of the way, kid.
Last warning.”

possible futures

Futures End: The New 52: Futures End: #10, #13-14, #17-18 / Green Arrow: Futures End / The New 52: Futures End: #21, #27, #30-31
Future State: Teen Titans: #1-2


Batman: Fortress: #5-8

Reading Guide

Sienna/Red Canary

“I got involved because I want to help people.
With Black Canary gone, someone has
to carry the torch.”

Infinite Frontier

Dark Crisis: #3 (cameo, debut)
Dark Crisis: The Dark Army
Dark Crisis: War Zone ("Birds of a Feather")
Lazarus Planet: Next Evolution ("Red Canary")
Titans: Beast World Tour: Star City ("Birds of a Feather")
Green Arrow (2023): #10-12
Green Arrow (2023): #TBA


Hal Jordan/Green Lantern

“In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight!
Let those who worship evil's might
Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!”

This reading guide was made exclusively for his appearances alongside members of the Arrowfam, if you're looking for a more complete Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) reading guide click here.


Hard Travelling Heroes (Crossover Storyline): Green Lantern (1960): #76-89 / The Flash (1959): #217-219 / Green Lantern (1960): #90-100, #102-124
Action Comics (1938): #606
Green Arrow (1988): #19-20
Secret Origins (1986): #50
Green Lantern (1990): #48-50
Zero Hour: Crisis in Time: #4-1, #0
Green Arrow (1988): #90, #95-96, #136
Legends of the DC Universe: #7-9
Green Arrow (2001): #7-9, #17, #65
Green Lantern Rebirth: #1-6
JLA: #115-120
Justice League of America (2007): #0, #1-10, #12 #15, #17, #22-24, #26, #29-31
Green Arrow and Black Canary Wedding Special
Green Arrow & Black Canary: #1, #4-5, #7, #29-30
Justice League Cry for Justice: #1-7
Justice League: Rise and Fall
Justice League: The Rise of Arsenal: #1
Green Arrow/Black Canary: #31-32
Green Arrow (2010): #1-2
DC Universe - Decisions: #1-3


JLA: Year One: #1-12
Flash/Green Lantern: The Brave and the Bold: #4
Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular
Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular

new 52

Justice League (2011): #8
Green Arrow (2011): #36-37


Green Arrow (2016): #30-31
The Green Lantern: #8
Justice League: No Justice: #4

Infinite Frontier

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths: #5-7
Green Arrow (2023): #3-4

Reading Guide


"My whole life I have been trained to fight
quietly. The shadow in the night, the whisper
of an arrow, but today is different,
today I shout!"


LATE '80s/90's (1987 - 1999):
Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters: #1-3
Green Arrow (1987): #9-12, #21-24, #35-38
Shado: Song of the Dragon: #1-4
Green Arrow (1987): #63-66, #75, #101, #113, #115-117
'00s (2000 - 2011):
Connor Hawke: Dragon's Blood: #1-6
Green Arrow and Black Canary: #11-12


Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular ("...just the usual sort of stuff")

New 52

Green Arrow (2011): #22-24, #26-28, #30-31


Green Arrow (2016): #1-7, #33-37, Annual #1
Suicide Squad: War Crimes Special
Teen Titans (2018): Special #1
Deathstroke (2016): #45-46

Infinite Frontier

Wildstorm 30th Anniversary Special ("Building a Better Bomb")
The Brave and the Bold (2023): #1-6

Alternate Continuity


“You look like hell. You really think you
can take me in your condition ?"

Possible Futures

Green Arrow: Futures End

Reading Guide

Edward "Eddie" Fyers

“Eddie Fyers, maybe you've heard of me.
World of mercenaries gets real small
real fast, doesn't it?


LATE '80s/90's (1987 - 1999):
Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters: #3
Green Arrow (1988): #3-4, #10, #14, #34-38, #53-54 #76-80, #91-109
Hard Traveling Heroes (Crossover storyline): Green Lantern (1990): #76 / Green Arrow (1988): #110 / Green Lantern (1990): #77 / Green Arrow (1988): #111
Green Arrow (1988): #112-120, #132-133
Brotherhood of the Fist (Crossover storyline): Green Arrow (1998): #134 / Detective Comics (1937): #723 / Robin (1993): #55 / Nightwing (1996): #23 / Green Arrow (1988): #135
Green Arrow (1988): #136-137
'00s (2000 - 2011):
Richard Dragon: #9, #11-12
Connor Hawke: Dragon’s Blood: #1-6


LATE '80s/90's (1987 - 1999):
Black Canary (1993): #6
Showcase '95: #4 ("Power Lunch")
Showcase '96: #5 ("Fathers and Other Strangers")
Adventure Comics 80-Page Giant: ("The Longshot")
'00s (2000 - 2011):
Robin (1993): #78-79
Birds of Prey (1999): #43-46
Batgirl (2000): #30-32


Green Arrow (2016): #10-11, #21-23

Infinite frontier

Green Arrow (2023): #TBA

Reading Guide

Jade Nguyen/Cheshire

“I'm sorry I poisoned your secret weapon.
Think we can still be friends?”


PRE-CRISIS (1983 - 1986):
New Teen Titans (1980): Annual #2
Tales of the Teen Titans: #51-52
EARLY POST-CRISIS ('80s - '90s):
New Teen Titans (1984): #20-21
Action Comics (1938): #613-618
Deathstroke the Terminator: #13, #16-20
Batman Plus Arsenal
Birds of Prey: The Ravens
Birds of Prey (1999): #4-6, #28-30
Titans (1999): #8-13, #21-22, #27, #30, #34
Birds of Prey (1999): #62-65, #67
Villains United: #1-6
Secret Six (2006): #2, #4-6
Secret Six (2008): #2, #4-5, #19-22
Justice League: The Rise of Arsenal: #2-3
Titans: Villains for Hire Special
Titans (2008): #24-36, Annual #1, #37-38


EARLY POST-CRISIS ('80s - '90s):
Booster Gold (1986): #16-17
Wonder Woman (1987): #94-95
MODERN POST-CRISIS (Late '90s - 2005):
DCU Villains Secret Files and Origins
Secret Origins of Super-Villains 80-Page Giant
Manhunter (2004): #7-8
Justice League of America (2006): #14-15

New 52

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011): Annual #1, #21-24, #26-27
Aquaman and the Others: #6-11


Batman/Superman (2013): Annual #2


Green Arrow (2016): #21-24
Titans (2016): #20-22
Batman (2016): #86-90, #94
Batman Secret Files (2018): #3


Wonder Woman (2016): #28-29
Nightwing (2016): #43
Black Lightning/Hong Kong Phooey Special

Infinite Frontier

DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration ("Masks")
Catwoman (2018): #33, #35-38
Detective Comics (2016): #1077-1079
Green Arrow (2023): #4-6
Green Arrow (2023): #TBA


Harley Quinn (2021): Annual #1
Task Force Z: #3

Other Media

Jade Nguyen/Cheshire

“So like the Cheshire Cat,
I'll just disappear”


Teen Titans: S5: EP11-EP12
  Teen Titans Go! (2003): #34, #39
Young Justice: S1: EP6, EP10, EP12, EP23, EP25 / S2: EP4, EP6, EP8, EP16 / S3: EP8, EP10 / S4: EP5-EP8
DC Super Hero Girls: S2: EP23 / S5: EP8
  DC Super Hero Girls: Date with Disaster
Batman: Soul of the Dragon
Catwoman: Hunted

Video games

Young Justice: Legacy
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
LEGO DC Super-Villains
DC Legends
DC Heroes & Villains

Other Media

Jade Nguyen/Cheshire

“So like the Cheshire Cat,
I'll just disappear”


DC vs. Vampires: #2
Red Hood: Outlaws (Webtoon): #30-31

Reading Guide

Sin Lance

“Lady Shiva is the best fighter
there is! I was next if she ever fall.”


Birds of Prey (1999): #92-96, #98, #100, #109
Black Canary (2007): #1-4
Birds of Prey (2010): #2, #6


Birds of Prey (2023): #1-9» UPCOMING APPEARANCES:
Birds of Prey (2023): #10-11

Reading Guide

Cissie King-Jones/Arrowette

“I thought I wasn't strong enough.
And I wasn't. Alone, that is.”


Impulse: #28, #41
Secret Origins 80-Page Giant ("Shafted")
Young Justice (1998): #4 / Young Justice Secret Files and Origins / Young Justice (1998): #5-8 / Young Justice 80-Page Giant / Young Justice (1998): #9-11
Heck's Angels (Crossover Storyline): Young Justice (1998): #12 / Supergirl (1996): #36 / Young Justice (1998): #13 / Supergirl (1996): #37
Young Justice (1998): #14-18, #20-21, #23-30, #32-34
Our Worlds at War (Crossover Storyline): Young Justice (1998): #35-36 / Impulse: #77 / Young Justice (1998): #37 / World's Finest: Our Worlds At War / Impulse: #78
Young Justice (1998): #38-40, #43-47, #49, #52-55
Teen Titans (2003): #7
Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files and Origins ("Secrets")
Wonder Girl (2007): #2-6


Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.: #2, #5-6
Wonder Woman (1987): #153
Impulse: #59
Spyboy/Young Justice: #1-3


Young Justice (2019): #13-15
Dark Crisis: Young Justice: #1-2, #4-6
Green Arrow (2023): #10-12
Green Arrow (2023): #TBA

Other Media

Cissie King-Jones/Arrowette

“Shouldn't we give them the benefit of the
? I mean, how can we be sure?”


Young Justice: S3: EP8 / S4: EP5
  Young Justice Targets: #2-3, #5-6

Alternate continuity

Cissie King-Jones/Arrowette

“I need your trick arrows, dad.”


Young Justice (1998): #44-45
The Multiversity: The Just

Reading Guide

Olivia Queen/
Black Canary III

“What, and let the old people
have all the fun?


Kingdom Come: #2-4
Convergence: Green Arrow: #1-2

Other Media

Artemis Crock/Tigress II

“I've got nothing to prove.
I'm one of a kind."


Young Justice: S1: EP6-EP9, EP12-EP20, EP23-EP26 / S2: EP4, EP7, EP9-EP10, EP13, EP16, EP19-EP20 / S3: EP1-EP18, EP20, EP23, EP25-EP26 / S4: EP5-EP8, EP22-EP26
  Young Justice (2011): #7-11, #13-14, #16-20, #22-23
  Young Justice Targets: #2, #5-6

Live action

Stargirl: S1: EP1-EP2, EP4-EP7, EP13 / S2: EP1, EP4-EP6, EP13 / S3: EP1, EP3, EP9-EP13


Young Justice: Legacy
Teeny Titans: Teen Titans GO!
Teen Titans GO! Figure
LEGO DC Super-Villains

Reading Guide

Artemis Crock/Tigress II

“I go by Tigress. Not that it'll make much
difference to you in about two seconds...”


Infinity Inc. (1984): #34-36, #51-53
JSA (1999): #9-10, #16-17
Hawkman (2002): #1-4, #15
JSA: All Stars (2003): #1
JSA: Classified: #5-7
JSA All-Stars (2010): #2-11


Young Justice (1998): #23-25


World's Finest: Teen Titans: #5-6

Reading Guide

Connor Lance/Green Canary

Don't take another step.”


Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Two: #15-16, #24
Injustice 2: #2, #4, #8, #13-15, #19-21, #44, #51, #71

Reading Guide

Laurel Lance/Black Arrow

“Well, I go by Black Arrow,
but my real name's Laurel...
Laurel Lance-Queen.”


Dark Nights: Death Metal The Last Stories of the DC Universe ("Dust of a Distant Storm")

supporting characters

This section includes characters that were important parts of Green Arrow's supporting cast at different point in the past, but were featured exclusively in Green Arrow's titles.

Reading Guide

Robert Henry Queen


Green Arrow (1988): Annual #7
Green Arrow Secret Files and Origins: ("The Mantle")
Green Arrow (2010): #3, #5-7


Green Arrow (2011): #18-19, #21, #23, #27-28, #30-31
Green Arrow (2016): #34


Green Arrow: Stranded

Reading Guide

Moira Queen


Green Arrow (1988): Annual #7
Green Arrow Secret Files and Origins: ("The Mantle")
Green Arrow (2010): #3, #6-7


Green Arrow (2011): #25, #30
Green Arrow (2016): #25, Annual #1, #33-37

Reading Guide

Master Jansen


The Flash (1959): #218-219
Green Arrow (1988): #0, #101, #109, #116-124
Hate Crimes (Crossover Storyline): Green Arrow (1988): #125 / Green Lantern: (1990) #92/ Green Arrow (1988): #126
Green Arrow (1988): #127-129, #131-134, #137
Adventure Comics 80-Page Giant ("The Longshot")

Reading Guide

Robert Queen Jr./Tak Tomonago


Green Arrow (1988): #21-24, #35-38, #64
Connor Hawke: Dragon's Blood: #3-6
Green Arrow & Black Canary: #12

Reading Guide

Sandra Moonday Hawke


Green Arrow (1988): #104-105, #114-116, #123-127, #131
Green Arrow & Black Canary #5


DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration ("Hawke & Kong")

Reading Guide



Green Arrow & Black Canary #7-13

Reading Guide

Galahad II


Green Arrow (2010): #2-12

Reading Guide

Naomi Singh/Dart

NEW 52

Green Arrow (2011): #1-11, #14-15, #17-24, #26, #28-29, #31-34, #39-40

Possible futures

Green Arrow: Futures End

Reading Guide


NEW 52

Green Arrow (2011): #1-8, #11, #14-15, #17-18

Reading Guide

Henry Fyff

NEW 52

Green Arrow (2011): #18-24, #26, #28-29, #31-34, #41-43, Annual #1, #49-50


Green Arrow (2016): #1-2, #4, #12-13, #16, #22-25, Annual #1, #28-29, #35-36, #38,
Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular ("The Sympathy of the Woods")

Reading Guide

John "Dig" Diggle


The New 52: Futures End: #17-18, #21, #27, #30

NEW 52

Green Arrow (2011): #24-25, #28-29, #31-40


Green Arrow (2016): #2-5, #8-17, #25, Annual #1, #34, #36-38
Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular ("The Sympathy of the Woods")

Infinite Frontier

Green Arrow (2023): #9

Reading Guide

Felicity Smoak

NEW 52

Green Arrow (2011): #35-40


DC Bombshells: #19, #21, #37-39, #55-57
Bombshells: United: #13, #25-30, #32, #34

Reading Guide


NEW 52

Green Arrow (2011): #41-47, Annual #1, #48-52